Stress Management & Coaching

Chronic Stress & Stress Management

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women, but for Black women, the risks are even higher. And chronic stress is a major contributor to heart disease. Chronic stress is the body’s prolonged response to ongoing emotional, physical, or environmental pressures and over time, this can have damaging effects on both mental and physical health. 

If you're constantly feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed, you may benefit from stress coaching. Dr. Alana helps clients reduce their stress by focusing on 3 areas: trauma, boundaries, and discipline. She provides strategies, resources, and tips to help clients heal from unprocessed trauma, improve their boundaries, and develop discipline around healthy habits.

Unhealed Trauma

Unhealed and unprocessed trauma keeps the body in a fight-or-flight state that causes prolonged periods of stress. Healing from trauma will restore and calm the nervous system to allow for better sleep and improved mental health.


A lack of boundaries cause mental and physical strain that result in stress. Developing and maintaining healthy boundaries with oneself and others will significantly reduce stress.


Self-discipline requires a commitment to oneself. Holding oneself accountable to make healthy lifestyle changes enhances self-control and reduces stress by actively addressing any problems or issues.

Next Steps

Book a coaching intake session with Dr. Alana to determine your needs.

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