Maintaining and sustaining a healthy relationship requires a combination of factors such as respect, trust, communication, and support. However, one factor that is often overlooked but deeply significant in maintaining healthy relationships is attunement.
What is Attunement?
The concept of attunement originates from parent/child research and emphasizes a parent's understanding of their child's needs. As it relates to adult relationships, attunement is a profound connection and an indicator of a close bond between partners. It involves continuously working to understand and anticipate each other's thoughts, feelings, and moods.
The Importance of Attunement
Attunement is an act of love and care that communicates to your partner that they are valued and understood. Feeling validated, understood, and important fosters a deep bond between partners and strengthens their connection.
How to Attune to Your Partner
If you find it challenging to attune to your partner, seeking professional help to improve your attunement skills can be beneficial. Being attuned to your partner and their needs is supportive, reparative, and healing to most relationships. Thus, it’s worth the effort to learn and practice.
I hope this helps.
Until next time…
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